Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pritzker Military Library exhibit features VHP collections - Dispatch September 13, 2012

September 13, 2012-Summer 2013

Lead Sponsor

Lead Sponsor
Deborah Darr, the Cast, & Director of Final Flight Check

Major Sponsors
Dorothy ?Meg? Madsen
Dr. Rhonda M. Rush

Supporting Sponsors
Rosemary Farrell Casey
The Rooth Family

Solvig and Harry Robertson

The government-led mobilization of women for World War II (1939-1945) expanded women?s roles to include those traditionally considered ?men?s work,? highly skilled jobs such as pilots, mechanics, and radio engineers. Nearly 400,000 women served in the military over the course of the war; ten times the number who served during World War I (1914-1919). Women also joined humanitarian organizations such as the American Red Cross and the United Service Organizations (USO). On the home front an estimated six million women entered the workforce in factories and countless other jobs vacated by men serving their country.

Each woman?s story is different. Recording and listening to their words brings the facts of history alive. In this exhibit the Pritzker Military Library shares some of those stories, both from the Library's collection and the Veteran?s History Project (part of the Library of Congress) collections. Today we can look back on the women of the World War II era to remember that there is no such thing as a ?man sized job? that a woman cannot do.

The Pritzker Military Library is honored to partner with the Veteran?s History Project to bring you these stories and images. Many of the photographs both in the exhibit and online were provided by the Veteran?s History Project.

Other images both in the exhibit and featured online were provided by the Spring Field Armory in Springfield, Massachusetts; the Rush family; Dorothy ?Meg? Madsen; Dorothy Hawkins, the Jungles family, and the Darr family.


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